
Getting Started


Installation requires you to download the installer and then run it on your device.

  1. Login into your account using the License Key from order confirmation email and download the installer that matches your OS from the downloads page:

    Download page screenshot

  2. Double click the downloaded file and follow installer instructions.
  3. When the installation is completed you can finally run the App.

First run

Find "Watch my logs!" using your OS App launcher and press Enter. If your OS will ask if you really want to run the app, select "Yes".

Find the "Watch my logs!" in the Applications folder, right click on the app and choose "Open" in the context menu.

After initial launch, you'll see the Main Screen with "Open Preferences" button:

Main screen screenshot after first run
Main screen screenshot after first run.


You can open settings window with right click on the main window, then choose "Preferences" in the context menu.


General settings
General settings screenshot.

General settings screen allows you to:

  • Enable application autostart when you logging in into OS.
  • Display app icon in tray. When enabled, and app is minimized, it will not
  • Choose one of appearance options: System, Light, Dark.
  • Select text editor to open when clicking on the file paths. The list of available editors: Atom, SublimeText, TextMate, PhpStorm, VS Code, VS Code Insiders.


Logs settings
Logs settings screenshot.

Logs settings screen allows you to:

  • Add/Remove/Enable/Disable log sources. Log source is a folder with *.log files or a *.log files.
  • Truncate log sources.
  • Setup configuration per log source. For now, there is one config option available that allows to replace part of the path. This options was added specifically for Docker users to fix not working clickable file paths.

Remote logs

Remote logs settings
Remote logs settings screenshot.

Remote logs settings screen allows you to:

  • Add/Remove ssh connections.
  • Connect/Disconnect from the servers. The state of each connection persist between app sessions.
  • Add/Remove/Enable/Disable paths to log sources. Log source is a folder with *.log files or a *.log files.


Actions settings
Actions settings screenshot.

The easiest way to add an action - is to select a text in the main window and right click on it.

The following actions available:

  • Hide from list
  • Bring app to front
  • Notify

The action is triggered when condition is true for the log entry. You can use:

  • Simple string — A string
  • Log filename — error.log
  • Regex pattern — Task .* is finished
  • Logical statement — {{ file != custom.log && level < error }}

Here is the list of available variables to use inside logical statement:

Variable Description
file Log source filename. Example: {{ file == filename.log }}
level Log record severity level. Example: {{ level >= error }}.

Available levels:

  • 10 - debug
  • 20 - info
  • 30 - notice
  • 40 - warning
  • 50 - error
  • 60 - critical
  • 70 - alert
  • 80 - emergency


Advanced settings
Advanced settings screenshot.

Advanced settings screen allows you to:

  • Edit library paths — the list of paths that are excluded from "jump to file" panel.
  • Edit library paths exceptions — useful when you exclude "/vendor/" folder, but still want to include "/vendor/mycompany/" path.

Main Screen

Main screen — is a feed of recent log entries found in remote and local log sources.


When log sources are set and app found the records, the main screen will show them sorted by date. The feed is automatically updated when a new records are found in any of the log sources. The newest records added to the top of the list:

Main screen with log records
Main screen screenshot.

Search panel

Press CMD+F or CTRL+F to open search panel:

Main screen with visible search panel
Main screen with active search panel.

You may use the following format for the search input string:

  • Simple string — Connection
  • Logical statement — {{ file == name.log && level >= error && date >= 2024 }}

Here is the list of available variables to use inside logical statement:

Variable Description
file Log source filename. Example: {{ file == filename.log }}
date Log record date. Examples:
{{ date >= 2024-04-28 16:50:46 }}
{{ date >= 2024-04 }}
level Log record severity level. Example: {{ level >= error }}.

Available levels:

  • 10 - debug
  • 20 - info
  • 30 - notice
  • 40 - warning
  • 50 - error
  • 60 - critical
  • 70 - alert
  • 80 - emergency

Context menu

Use the right mouse to show context menu. It will also display a quick actions if you select some text in the feed:

Main screen with opened context menu
Main screen with opened context menu.
Use right click on selected text to quickly create actions or find similar log records!


There are few shortcuts available when main screen is active:

  • CMD+, or CTRL+, — open settings window.
  • CMD+R or CTRL+R — rescan all log files.
  • CMD+F or CTRL+F — open search panel.
  • CMD+SHIFT+E or CTRL+SHIFT+E — truncate all log files.